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Shiny Distractions

Recommitting to the Blog

The time has come to commit to this blog. I have had this site for three years now. I suck at promoting it. I suck at maintaining it. I hate working with websites. There, I’ve said it: “I hate working with websites.” 

But, it is the way of the world now, trusting our lives on 0 and 1, the  base numbers fueled by electricity and imaginative minds that give us the World Wide Web.  And so, I have to deal with my own loathing of maintaining a website. Yes. From attacks by evil doers (mad dictators, hackers, errant solar flares…) to the dizzying array of plugins  to links and crosslinks to sign up for mailing lists and freebies. I have to come to grips with all these and more: Pinterest, Intsagram, Twitter, Facebook, advertising. 

So today I am swallowing that bitter pill. And there will probably be more bitter pills to come. I’m already hating it. 

To start the ball rolling, I’m going to write about all the shiny distractions that keep us from getting stuff done. Technical, mundane, and life in general. Good excuses, bad excuses, the stories we tell ourselves to distract us from what needs to be done. 

Distraction 1

Other things I have on my list to share about deal with archaeology informing my writing. So many things are out there that we don’t even know about. Even as I write this, Robin Hood is playing on Prime Video. There is a small stonehenge and a buried stone mound, reminding me of Stonehenge and the burial cairns that dot the English countryside. What a wonderful way to bring parts of history forward. While most realize that there is a stonehenge in England, few realize that there is more than one. We even have evidence of woodhenges and stone cairns in the United States.

I enjoy the English show Time Team.  It deals with all this history that is being found before it is destroyed by the march of progress. I love the episodes that talk about how rivers have changed course over time, revealing caches of treasure that were offered to the river gods. 

Distraction 2

The news, for better or worse, is also a shiny distraction. Did you hear about Good Omens? Of course, the Catholic group got the streaming service wrong, and that was the cherry on top of their list of greviances. But, because I am writing about the Goddess, God, and the Christian creation myth in my series (trust me, more of this in coming episodes), not to mention cannabis (the Blessed Tree, the Tree of Life) and sex, I find their objections about god being voice by a woman particularly interesting. This last April, a church had a sign out front stating “God Loves you just the way She made you.”  It was even written up in Newsweek.

Catholic response: <Crickets>

Robert F. Smith, the billionaire who paid off the Morehouse student loan debt in May closed his speech with: “May the wind always be at your back. And my God always hold you in the cradle of her hand.”

Catholic response: <Crickets>

 And of course, God has been portrayed as female in Dogma, Will and Grace, One Hell of a Guy, Absolutely Fabulous, A Little Bit of Heaven, It’s a Very Muppet Christmas, and The Shack.

Catholic response: <Crickets>

To be honest, I don’t know and don’t care about the Catholic response. Maybe they did raise a ruckus, and I just don’t know about it. I tuned them out years ago, too much of a distraction.

Distraction 3

The blogging gurus say I need a picture for each post. Hope you enjoy the picture of my coonhound Phoebe, one of my main distractions, sitting in the driver’s seat of the RV, ready to to go to the beach.

Until the next time, be safe.
